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Real-time Rendering Techniques

This project consists of several real-time rendering techniques used in computer graphics


Following are the techniques I have implemented in this project:

1. Use of Textures and Normal maps

2. Image based lighting

3. Moment shadow mapping

4. Ambient Occlusion

1. Use of Textures and Normal maps:


In this project the I have used a graphics framework provided by our professor for a class and I have added textures, manipulating texture coordinates and also using normal maps whose RGB components are used to make small local modifications to the normal of a surface just before doing the lighting calculation adding details to the surface without using more polygons.

The below image displays use of normal texture on the walls and the water surface to add details to their surface.

For this project I have used textures on the teapot in the center of the scene. There are two textures on the wall, I have implemented the checkerboard texture by procedural generation of textures considering the texture coordinates. The other texture coordinates have been manipulated to leave a grey frame making the texture fit properly in the required space.


2. Image based lighting


I have implemented this project in my own custom graphics framework. Image-based lighting (IBL) is a 3D rendering technique which involves capturing an omni-directional representation of real-world light information from an image used as skydome surrounding the scene. For this project, framework is rendering 3 teapots with different surface values and texture, and also I’m rendering 5 teapots with variation in roughness parameter to show the IBL for different surfaces.


3. Moment Shadow mapping


Moment shadow maps are a proposed kind of filter-able shadow maps. They can be filtered directly enabling the rendering of anti-aliased shadows at a low cost per shaded fragment. For this project, framework is rendering 3 teapots with different surface values rotating in circles, 1 global shadow casting light and 1600 local lights (40 rows x 40 columns, rendered using Deferred Rendering Technique). I have implemented moment shadow map technique with variable blur kernel size using compute shaders to blur the traditional shadow map.



4. Ambient Occlusion


Ambient Occlusion (AO) produces perceptually important illumination effects such as darkened corners, cracks, and wrinkles; proximity darkening; and contact shadows adding more detailing to the scene. In this project I am rendering teapots and performing image based lighting calculations. The Ambient Occlusion algorithm I have implemented ensures object edge aware blur of the Ambient shadows in the scene for softening the ambient light shadows.

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